Hotel St. Joseph ROYAL REGENT

Spa treatment

St. Joseph ROYAL REGENT DescriptionDescription
 Rooms St. Joseph ROYAL REGENTRooms
Restaurant St. Joseph ROYAL REGENTRestaurant
Spa treatment St. Joseph ROYAL REGENTSpa treatment
Prices St. Joseph ROYAL REGENTPrices
Location St. Joseph ROYAL REGENTLocation
The new spa centre in Karlovy Vary is available for the clients in the recently opened top spa hotel St. Joseph Royal Regent from the 2nd part of March 2010. On an area of more than 350 m2 the clients is provided with really first class spa treatment of a top European standard.
Spa treatment

A comprehensive range of more than 30 treatments and procedures will be used in the basic spa treatment program in St. Joseph‘s Spa, in accordance with specific indications and diagnoses of the clients:

  • Bubble bath
  • Carbonic bath
  • Thermal spring bath
  • Peat bath
  • Underwater massage
  • Hydroxer bath
  • Dry carbonic bath
  • Four-chamber bath – hydrogalvan
  • Four-chamber bath – Hauffe‘s bath
  • Kneipp bath
  • Scottish jets
  • Paraffin
  • Mud thermopack
 Swimming pool Royal Regent
  • Dental irrigation
  • Partial classical massage
  • Reflex massage
  • Individual rehabilitation (LTV)
  • Tractions
  • Group exercise therapy in the swimming pool
  • Group exercise therapy in the gym
  • Pneumopuncture
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Ultrasound inhalation
  • Magnetotherapy
  • Laser therapy
  • Mechanical Lymph Drainage
  • Sonotherapy
  • Electrotherapies in wide range of types (interference currents, Faraday currents, Traebert currents, diadynamic therapy…)
  • Infra-lamp
  • Bio-lamp
The basic spa treatment is provided 7 days during the week 12 hours daily. Most of the treatments we try to schedule clients on weekdays from 7.30 to 15.00

In the package of comprehensive spa treatment there are 17 procedures ( 6 main procedures and 11 accessory procedures ) plus 1 medical examination a week included. By mutual consent with the spa doctor it is possible to enlarge the number and range of consumed procedures and/or examinations and medical consultations, for an appropriate supplementary charge.

Most of extra procedures are available for the clients 7 days a week, until 19.00.

In St. Joseph‘s Spa we are able to treat also children under the age of 12. We have a specialized pediatrician who guarantees a successful treatment of children without a risk of harm for the developing child’s organism.

During the client‘s stay it is possible to be provided other procedures of our wide offer of extra treatment. In St. Joseph‘s Spa we focuse not only on wide offer of medicinal and curative treatment, but also on relaxation and aesthetic medicine procedures – as follows:
  • EEG biofeedback - a method improving mental functions, memory and learning
  • Shock wave - a modern method of healing of pain in areas of sinew ligaments
  • TherapiMaster - effective therapy of problems with locomotor system
  • InBody 720 analyser – an modern equipment that accurately analyze your body composition
  • Densitometry – the unique diagnostic method, detect the risk of osteoporosis in time
  • Aromatherapeutic massages – a relaxing massage using aromatic oils Indian massage – the relaxing oil massage with warm coconut oil
  • Chocolate bath - induces a sense of calm and serenity, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, anti-cellulite and antioxidant properties
  • Additive St. Joseph’s baths – a bath with herbs enriched with Dead Sea salt
  • Cleopatra ?s bath - a relaxing aromatic bath in mineral water with added almond oil and whey, nourishing and rejuvenating effect
  • Detoxification methods ( Intestinal lavages )


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