Richmond Spa Hotel

Package services / Prices


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Trial Treatment Stay

Package services:

  • 7 overnight stays in double / single room with bathroom, telephone, TVset, minibar
  • full board - special dietary regimen on request
  • basic medical examination
  • 2-x procedures daily by medical recommendation except Sunday
  • drinking cure
  • medical report
  • swimming pool and sauna free of charge
Richmond Spa Hotel Package services Prices

Package price per person in EUR
  Main season 1, EUR Main season 2,EUR Off season, EUR Winter season, EUR
Suite with terrace 1083 1083 987 892
Suite 924 905 822 701
Junior Suite 892 834 758 605
Singl room Standart Plus 758 733 699 573
Singl room Standart 726 701 631 541
Singl room category 2 631 573 567 459
Double room Lux A 924 905 809 701
Double room Lux 764 739 643 541
Double room with balcony 669 612 529 446
Double room Standart 605 548 503 414
Double room category 2 541 522 465 382
Extra bed 440 414 376 318

Reconditioning Programme

Package services:

  • 7 overnight stays in double / single room with bathroom, telephone, TVset, minibar
  • full board, dietary regimen
  • basic medical examination
  • 1 x control medical examination
  • 2 x therapeutic gymnastic in group
  • 2 x water gymnastic
  • 3 x classical partial massage
  • 3 x whirl- or pearl- or herbal- or carbonated bath
  • 3 x mud or paraffin pack
  • drinking cure
  • medical report
  • swimming pool and sauna free of charge
Richmond Spa Hotel fantain

Package price per person in EUR
  Main season 1, EUR Main season 2,EUR Off season, EUR Winter season, EUR
Suite with terrace 1130 1130 1031 931
Suite 964 944 858 731
Junior Suite 931 871 791 632
Singl room Standart Plus 791 765 698 598
Singl room Standart 758 731 658 565
Singl room category 2 658 598 592 479
Double room Lux A 964 944 845 731
Double room Lux 798 771 672 565
Double room with balcony 698 638 552 465
Double room Standart 632 572 525 432
Double room category 2 565 545 485 399
Extra bed 459 432 392 332


Slimming Programme

Package services:

  • 14 overnight stays in double/
  • single room with bathroom, telephone, TV set, minibar
  • full board - slimming diet
  • basic medical examination
  • laboratory test
  • 10 x physical training
  • 6 x lymphdrainage (Lymfoven)
  • 4 x underwater massage
  • 4 x classical partial massage
  • 4 x hydro-jet
  • drinking cure
  • medical report
  • swimming pool and sauna free of charge

Package price per person in EUR
  Main season 1, EUR Main season 2,EUR Off season, EUR Winter season, EUR
Suite with terrace 2213 2213 2018 1823
Suite 1888 1849 1680 1432
Junior Suite 1823 1706 1549 1237
Singl room Standart Plus 1549 1497 1367 1172
Singl room Standart 1484 1432 1289 1107
Singl room category 2 1289 1172 1159 937
Double room Lux A 1888 1849 1654 1432
Double room Lux 1562 1510 1315 1107
Double room with balcony 1367 1250 1081 911
Double room Standart 1237 1120 1029 846
Double room category 2 1107 1068 950 781
Extra bed 898 846 768 651


Antistress Programme

Package services:

Package price per person in EUR
  Main season 1, EUR Main season 2,EUR Off season, EUR Winter season, EUR
Suite with terrace 1095 1095 998 902
Suite 934 914 831 708
Junior Suite 902 844 766 612
Singl room Standart Plus 766 741 676 580
Singl room Standart 734 708 638 547
Singl room category 2 638 580 573 464
Double room Lux A 934 914 818 708
Double room Lux 773 747 650 547
Double room with balcony 676 618 535 451
Double room Standart 612 554 509 419
Double room category 2 547 528 470 386
Extra bed 444 419 380 322


Diabetes Programme

Package services:

Package price per person in EUR
  Main season 1, EUR Main season 2,EUR Off season, EUR Winter season, EUR
Suite with terrace 1130 1130 1031 931
Suite 964 944 858 731
Junior Suite 931 871 791 632
Singl room Standart Plus 791 765 698 598
Singl room Standart 758 731 658 565
Singl room category 2 658 598 592 479
Double room Lux A 964 944 845 731
Double room Lux 798 771 672 565
Double room with balcony 698 638 552 465
Double room Standart 632 572 525 432
Double room category 2 565 545 485 399
Extra bed 459 432 392 322


Detoxication Cure

Package services:

Package price per person in EUR
  Main season 1, EUR Main season 2,EUR Off season, EUR Winter season, EUR
Suite with terrace 1161 1161 1059 956
Suite 991 970 881 752
Junior Suite 956 895 813 649
Singl room Standart Plus 813 768 717 615
Singl room Standart 779 752 676 581
Singl room category 2 676 615 608 492
Double room Lux A 991 970 868 752
Double room Lux 820 793 690 581
Double room with balcony 717 656 567 478
Double room Standart 649 588 540 444
Double room category 2 581 560 499 410
Extra bed 471 444 403 342


Detoxication & Slimming Cure

Package services:

Package price per person in EUR
  Main season 1,EUR Main season 2,EUR Off season, EUR Winter season, EUR
Suite with terrace 2323 2323 2118 1913
Suite 1981 1940 1763 1503
Junior Suite 1913 1790 1626 1298
Singl room Standart Plus 1626 1571 1435 1230
Singl room Standart 1558 1503 1353 1161
Singl room category 2 1353 1230 1216 984
Double room Lux A 1981 1940 1735 1503
Double room Lux 1640 1585 1380 1161
Double room with balcony 1435 1312 1134 956
Double room Standart 1298 1175 1079 888
Double room category 2 1161 1120 997 820
Extra bed 943 888 806 683

Price list packeges and accommodation valid from 10th January 2011 till 10th January 2012. Price in EUR.

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St.Joseph Royal
Richmond Spa


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